Get Involved! Your voice can be a great tool for change
You can become an advocate for #CONSENT, ensuring that you and everyone around you have healthy and happy relationships.
Let’s make it clear: Consent is not just a word; it’s a culture. It’s about communication, respect, and enthusiasm!
We have rights! Good sexual health is closely linked to human rights. Everyone has the right to express their sexuality and enjoy sexual well-being while safeguarding themselves and others. Sexual rights include equality, privacy, health, information, education, freedom of opinion, and the right to seek justice for violations. Let’s respect each other’s rights for a healthy and fair society.
Speak up and challenge stereotypes! Let’s replace them with conversations celebrating diversity, inclusivity, and the beauty of consensual relationships.
Share! Knowledge is power. Information about healthy, inclusive, and enjoyable sexuality breaks down the barriers of ignorance and promotes open, non-judgmental discussions. Remember, change starts with you. Small actions can create big waves. Share your thoughts, challenge harmful attitudes, and inspire others!